Earlier Outage Explanation

Earlier outage in Melbourne was result of Fibre outage. Upstream provider doing emergency repair and causing outage on Fibre in Melbourne. Current estimated repair time is 4:00pm. We have moved all wireless clients to another provider for the day so service has been restored. Later when Fibre is repaired there will be a temporary, short…

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Service Interruption

Due to power issues in and around London, some clients may be experiencing intermittent service this morning. London Hydro has not posted a repair timeline yet. We are monitoring and service will be restored as soon as power is restored at the various sites. The Falcon Internet Team

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Network Capacity Reduced

We have a reduced circuit that is causing the slowness on part of the network. We have made adjustments and throughput is better for the time being while we get eyes on the issue. Update shortly. The Falcon Internet Team

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Current Weather Statement

We are actively monitoring the network for disruptions and will address any issues as soon as it is safe to do so. We ask that clients refrain from calling in during the next few days and check on Facebook and www.falconnet.ca for status updates if there are network interruptions. The current weather conditions could affect…

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